The front door was found smashed in at the Gentleman’s Barbershop and Shave Parlour Thursday morning (Sept. 23) and equipment was stolen. (@thegentlemensshop - Instagram)

Vernon rallies behind broken-in barbershop

Thieves smash door, leave with equipment; business community comes to the rescue

  • Sep. 24, 2021 12:00 a.m.

Thieves smashed their way into a local barbershop and ran off with some supplies early Thursday morning, but the business community came in, sleeves rolled up, ready to lend a hand.

The Gentlemen’s Shop and Shave Parlour praised the community for rallying behind them after coming in Sept. 23 to find the door was shattered.

“We want to thank Morgan’s Glass for literally replacing our door right away,” a post to the 31st Avenue shop’s Instagram reads. “You guys were amazing and so damn helpful.”

The shop also thanked neighbour coffee house, Ratio, and owner Andrew McWilliam for help cleaning and supplying caffeine while Brown’s at the Village Green Shopping Centre treated staff to snacks and drinks.

“It truly made our day,” the post reads.

“We truly have a phenomenal community here in Vernon and we couldn’t be luckier to have our little barbershop here,” shop staff wrote. “Thank you all who reached out with kind words and support and thank you to everyone for popping by. It meant the world.”

Vernon North Okanagan RCMP continue to investigate the incident and anyone with information is urged to contact Const. Daniels at the detachment by calling 250-545-7171.

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Vernon Morning Star