The White Rock Lake Fire burns in the mountains. (Brent Robertson photo)

Vernon ranch helping wildfire evacuees and animals

O'Keefe Ranch has room for people and pets

People and pets being evacuated from their homes due to wildfires are getting some support from Vernon.

The O’Keefe Ranch is open for anyone who needs to set up camp, as long as they are registered as an evacuee.

“We still have full capacity to take as many evacuees or animals as needed,” manager Sherrilee Franks said.

Evacuees can call the ranch at 250-542-7868 or send a message through the Historic O’Keefe Ranch Facebook page.

“We always have evacuees show up,” said Franks of past years.

“We also have the ability to take on animals if someone needs a place for them to be.”

READ MORE: Vernon shows appreciation for firefighters

READ MORE: Wildfire threatening Westwold grows to 7,000 hectares

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Vernon Morning Star