Kelly Fehr of the Turning Points Collaborative Society (right) accepts a donation from Michael Timms and his family that will help two people at Bill’s Place Recovery Home in Vernon. Bill’s Place is an addictions recovery program and sober living facility for people 19 years of age and older who live with substance use disorder. (Facebook photo)

Kelly Fehr of the Turning Points Collaborative Society (right) accepts a donation from Michael Timms and his family that will help two people at Bill’s Place Recovery Home in Vernon. Bill’s Place is an addictions recovery program and sober living facility for people 19 years of age and older who live with substance use disorder. (Facebook photo)

Vernon recovery program receives donation

Bill's Place receives generous donation from newly arrived family in Vernon

Newly arrived in Vernon, Michael Timms and his family of four (wife, three daughters) discovered their new home had a homeless problem.

This was affirmed when a homeless man approached Timms and asked for money. Timms gave but knew he wasn’t really helping the man and that fact gnawed away at him.

When Timms gave one of his daughters a new bike for her birthday, the daughter was happy but asked “what about the people in need,” it spurred him to phone the Turning Points Collaborative Society.

That’s when Timms was told about Bill’s Place, an addictions recovery program and sober living facility for people 19 years of age and older who live with substance use disorder.

“We gave a donation to enable two people to enter into Bill’s Place and undergo six-to-eight-weeks of the intensive training program,” said Timms. “When we arrived in Vernon, I didn’t know it had a resource like Bill’s Place. Everybody should know about this place. There’s needs to be community support and awareness.”

The 19-bed program is designed to help people during their journey towards restoring their lives and the lives of those around them.

Bill’s Place receives minimal government funding, and is able to operate largely off the generous donations of community members such as the Timms family.

“We would like to express a heartfelt thank you to the Timms family, who recently made an incredibly generous donation to Bill’s Place Recovery Home,” wrote Turning Points Collaborative on its Facebook page.

Turning Points Collaborative Society programs and services are helping to restore lives, build community and strengthen people.

For more information on Bill’s Place or any of the Turning Points programs and services visit their website:

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Vernon Morning Star