This could be one possible variation of the City of Vernon’s new brand Activate Life.

This could be one possible variation of the City of Vernon’s new brand Activate Life.

Vernon reveals new brand

Activate Life was selected to reflect the diversity of activities in the community

Vernon residents and tourists are being encouraged to get active.

A new brand or tag line, Activate Life, was unveiled for the community at city hall Monday.

“We wanted something that separates us from other communities,” said Glen Benischek, chairperson of the city’s economic development committee.

The brand was selected after a survey of visitors and tourists indicated that people associate Vernon with an active lifestyle, whether it’s recreation or culture.

“It’s a call to action. It can mean anything from bocce ball to spending time with the kids on the beach or skiing at Silver Star or Sovereign Lake,” said Benischek.

Activate Life will be found on all advertising, but the brand will also be amended for specific interests, such as possibly, “Activate your game” for sports, “Activate your menu” for culinary experiences and “Activate your imagination,” for culture.

A committee of business and marketing representatives worked together on the brand.

“Our objective was to create a strong brand message to represent the city in all markets,” said Benischek.

Key issues that were considered were activities, the natural environment, location and community pride.

“Non-residents see Vernon as a community with stunning surroundings,” said Benischek.

Mayor Akbal Mund was part of the brand advisory committee until he was elected to office.

“We’re trying to focus on Vernon and what it has to offer,” he said.

“I think it’s great and it’s important to bring tourists to Vernon.”



Vernon Morning Star