(Tolko website photo)

(Tolko website photo)

Vernon speaker to motivate Cariboo residents after mill shutdowns

Change management speaker Mark DeVolder will deliver town hall keynote in 100 Mile House

  • Jul. 20, 2019 12:00 a.m.

Vernon resident Mark DeVolder will speak about change management on July 27 in 100 Mile House.

The award-winning speaker will deliver a keynote address at a town hall meeting meant to motivate Cariboo residents who have recently endured mill shutdowns.

Despite the recent changes in the local economy, DeVolder said his message will be inspirational.

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“Resilient and hardworking Cariboo residents will continue to succeed,” he said. “Opportunities arise from turmoil for those who can recognize change and make that adaption to embrace those opportunities.”

In addition to the keynote, titled “Harnessing the Hurricane,” DeVolder will present a workshop with hands-on tools for “Navigating Transitions.”

READ MORE: Vernon resident a global speaker

He said people from Vernon are welcome to attend the free town hall if they register via Eventbrite.

“There could be others from Tolko here that could want to go up and see what’s happening,” he told the Vernon Morning Star.

The town hall will take place from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. on the Saturday at the South Cariboo Recreation Centre.

Business and community organizations can also arrange to set up information booths at the centre. To reserve a booth, contact Horton Ventures project coordinator Melissa Brown at 250-644-4721 or email events@hortonventures.ca.

READ MORE: Tolko Armstrong taking two weeks downtime

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Vernon Morning Star