Vernon tennis club wants upgrades

The Vernon Tennis Association is taking a swing at increased public access to the sport.

The Vernon Tennis Association is taking a swing at increased public access to the sport.

The group has presented immediate, short-term and long-term initiatives to the Greater Vernon Advisory Committee for consideration.

“We want to see continued growth of tennis,” said Marsha White, club president.

“It’s important that we’re together sharing goals and costs with the decision-makers. We’d like to be able to plan more than one year at a time.”

For immediate action, the club would like organized playing time to be increased to four hours a day and early start times for evening play.

It also asked for a lower court rental fee, but that has been turned down.

“The 2012 budget is already done so it’s hard to insert a new item,” said Bob Fleming, a GVAC director.

The association’s short-term proposals over one to two years are upgraded court lighting at Marshall Field and a hitting backboard for practices.

Long-term plans for two to five years include two new courts at Marshall Field.

“Often we’ve had 20 to 25 people on the court when there is only room for 16,” said White.

The club also wants improved facilities, and specifically washrooms, change rooms, a kitchen and viewing area for local residents and tournaments.

GVAC will meet with the club to investigate partnership opportunities for capital projects.

“I like the idea of working with other groups because it makes it easier,” said Mike Macnabb, GVAC chairperson, of rationalizing financial resources.


Vernon Morning Star