Where do you go when you are the victim of a crime?
Warmland Women’s Support Services Society is partnering with the federal Department of Justice to reach out into the community during Victims of Crime Awareness Week, May 29-June 4.
It’s all about “raising awareness about the issues facing victims of crime and about the assistance and services that are in place to help victims and their families, “ said Kendra Thomas, programs coordinator at the society.
It’s also a great time to acknowledge the work of the many volunteers who are committed to helping victims of crime, she said.
A community event, Power of Our Voices, is scheduled for Saturday, June 4, at Duncan’s Charles Hoey Park, from 1-4 p.m., and includes an appreciation barbecue and awards ceremony that will recognize the many contributors.
There will also be information booths, a speakers corner video booth for survivors and service providers to share their stories, free T-shirts and activities plus music and cake.
Cowichan Malahat Juan de Fuca MP Alistair MacGregor will be on hand to present Justice Canada Certificates of Appreciation as well.