Victoria explores Dallas Road bike lane

Lanes could be coming to Dallas Road if the city can capitalize on the CRD's sewage treatment project.

Off-road bike lanes could be coming to Dallas Road if the City of Victoria can capitalize on the Capital Regional District’s sewage treatment project.

About four kilometres of sewage pipelines will need to be installed between Clover Point and the pending McLoughlin Point wastewater treatment plant to divert water currently heading out to sea.

The necessary construction work prompted city planners to look at sealing the pipeline hole with a paved cycling lane on the south side of Dallas Road.

“We had actually just begun a process of creating a vision at the waterfront from Clover Point to Ogden Point,” said acting mayor Pam Madoff.

“With the potential for the pipeline, we felt the first thing we needed to do was have a conversation with the CRD to find out what their level of interest and support is, and how we co-ordinate what will happen.”

If council approves the idea, public information sessions would be held sometime this fall to explore preliminary designs for the cycling path, according to a staff report.

“Dallas Road has become so incredibly popular, and there are a lot of conflicts, so what we’re looking at is how we can make it a shared space that works for the majority of people,” Madoff said.

Pipeline work along Dallas Road is not expected until at least 2015.

Victoria News