Victoria Golf club improvements unveiled

Victoria Golf Club opens new snack bar and offices

A 10-year project to redevelop the Victoria Golf Club is near its end.

The Victoria Golf Club unveiled four new buildings, including a maintenance centre, snack bar, staff office, and washrooms, on May 12.

The buildings replace old, deteriorated facilities that were “inadequate” to the club and its members, according to Scott Kolb, general manager of the club.

“(The new facilities are) definitely more attractive and the newer structures also give us more storage space,” Kolb said.

The size and placement of the two main buildings (the maintenance and staff centres) has also increased the club’s useable floor space to 9,000-square-feet from 4,000-square-feet.

The new maintenance centre allows about $1 million worth of equipment, such as tractors, to be stored indoors rather than outdoors, Kolb explained, adding that the machines will last longer.

The project, which was initially estimated at $3.2 million, cost $2.5 million.

“One of the good things about delaying the project a couple years was that it gave us more time to do it right,” Kolb said.

Construction started last October and was expected to be complete in April, but issues with hydro and weather caused a slight delay.

“It gave us a little extra time to clean up some of the yard and now all that’s left is some of the boulevard work,” Kolb said.



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