Victoria seeks feedback on draft harbour plan

Harbour Vitality Principles looks at four areas: Belleville Terminal, Ship Point and Lower Wharf Street site

  • Jul. 31, 2014 4:00 p.m.

The City of Victoria wants your opinion on development of the Inner Harbour.

Last week, the city released its draft Harbour Vitality Principles for three strategic sites along the Inner Harbour: Belleville Terminal, Ship Point and Lower Wharf Street site.

Once approved, the principles will be used to support Inner Harbour revitalization and help position the city and other landowners for potential capital funding, grants and development opportunities.

Earlier this year, the city collaborated with the public in developing the draft Harbour Vitality Principles. All public input on the draft principles will be presented to city council for final consideration in September.

Three public sessions occurred throughout the months of May and June. More than 400 people attended the Harbour Dialogue Open House and 100 people attended the Ideas Forum, both held in May.

The input from these public sessions was used to inform a technical workshop in June, where local technical experts advanced the public’s ideas for the Inner Harbour into potential development concepts.

The public feedback, the development concepts as well as existing city plans and background documents were used to create the draft Harbour Vitality Principles.

The public can view the draft Harbour Vitality Principles on the city’s website at and provide their comments via email to

Copies of the principles and comment forms are also available at City Hall. Feedback can be provided until Aug. 22.



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