Mark Strahl is speaking in the House of Commons on Oct. 20, 2020, on a Conservative motion to create a special committee to look into the WE charity scandal. The speech will be posted live on his Facebook page. (Facebook image)

Mark Strahl is speaking in the House of Commons on Oct. 20, 2020, on a Conservative motion to create a special committee to look into the WE charity scandal. The speech will be posted live on his Facebook page. (Facebook image)

VIDEO: Chilliwack-Hope MP Mark Strahl to speak on WE scandal today

Prime Minister has said Conservative motion for ethics committee could trigger election

Chilliwack-Hope MP Mark Strahl is speaking in the House of Commons today, pushing for the creation of a special committee to look into the WE charity scandal.

He is broadcasting the speech on his Facebook page live at 12:15 p.m. local time, Oct. 20.

“I’m back in Ottawa to help hold this Liberal government to account for you,” he posted earlier in the day.

“Justin Trudeau padlocked Parliament to cover-up his unethical behaviour in the WE Scandal,” he writes in a Facebook post. “He was hoping Canadians would forget about the multiple parliamentary investigations into the corrupt acts of his government. Now he is trying to paralyze committees, preventing Canadians from getting to the truth on his half-billion-dollar payment to a group that paid over half-a-million dollars to his family.”

He said his speech will pertain to a Conservative motion to create a special committee “so that we can get to the bottom of these ethical questions and problems, because Canadians deserve to know the truth.”

Meanwhile, Prime Minister Justin Trudeau has said that the motion could trigger an election.

The discussion got underway in Parliament earlier in the day.

READ MORE: Conservatives say police should be called into investigate WE charity scandal

READ MORE: Tories say they want full truth of WE Charity scandal out before next election

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