Tina Phillips leads briefing of SAR crews on Monday, May 20 at Cowichan SAR HQ behind Sahtlam fire hall. (Lexi Bainas/Citizen)

Tina Phillips leads briefing of SAR crews on Monday, May 20 at Cowichan SAR HQ behind Sahtlam fire hall. (Lexi Bainas/Citizen)

VIDEO: Finding footprints curtailed Kilmer search Sunday night, but crews out again Monday

The footprints were 'ruled out' after trackers sent in, and everyone was back to looking for Kilmer

Searchers were called back Sunday night, May 20, as some of the volunteers found footprints as they looked for Ben Kilmer.

The 41 year old man has been missing since Wednesday.

Monday’s search manager, Tina Phillips, said, “Today, we’re working on areas that we didn’t manage to complete last night. We had to pull them out because footprints were found. But there’s going to be a lot of footprints now. We had the trackers go in by the footprints and rule them out.

“So the groups are going back in there to finish off that actual tight grid search that we want. We’re into our 800-metre radius from the last known point. We’re just finishing that up right now. We’re going to put our heads together to check any parts that are outstanding. We will get the feedback from the convergent volunteers and see if they can give us anything else. We’re looking for search areas now.”

We asked how searchers are dealing with the stress of such an effort. A lot of the people have been there every day.

Phillips looked around her with a smile.

“They’re coming back for more. We’ve got fresh faces every day, too, which is nice. We’ve managed to keep a sense of humour, in the way that we can, so everybody’s hanging in pretty good,” she said.

Cowichan Valley Citizen