Structural firefighter Ken Barwich sits on a mountain overlooking Hope and the Fraser River, in a new safety video that promotes the simple steps to take around your yard and home to protect it from forest fires. (Screenshot)

VIDEO: Hope featured in B.C. fire safety video for homeowners

Simple steps can protect a home from being lost in a forest fire, says B.C. FireSmart

The homes that are prepared are the homes that are left standing after a forest fire, a new safety video notes.

The video was created by BC FireSmart, and features firefighters from Oregon, Australia, and B.C. It even features the town of Hope.

Structural firefighter Ken Barwich sits atop a mountain overlooking the town and mountains, and speaks about how to protect your home from forest fire damage. The video highlights the simple steps people can take to protect their homes, and leads into a homeowner’s guide with recommendations.

It outlines what can act as a fuel source, and ways to improve the safety on both your own property and in your wider neighbourhood.

Hope’s own fire chief, Tom DeSorcy, is encouraging residents to check out the video and website.

“I have seen first-hand the effects of wildfire and know that the homes and communities left standing are the ones that were prepared,” DeSorcy said. “There are simple and effective steps that homeowners and communities can take to increase the probability that their homes will survive a wildfire event.”

The BC FireSmart Committee recommends simple steps to drastically reduce a property’s risk, such as cleaning roofs and gutters, mowing your lawn regularly, and moving combustible materials 10-30 metres away from your home.

Homeowners can use the interactive FireSmart Begins at Home Manual, which outlines the FireSmart program and how each homeowner can make their property and neighbourhood FireSmart.

“We are drawing on the experience and expertise of B.C. wildfire crews, fire chiefs from across B.C., and individuals who have been on the front lines of significant wildfires around the world. All in an attempt to motivate property owners in at-risk areas across the province to take action,” says Kelsey Winter, chair of the BC FireSmart Committee. “It is our hope that a message incorporating the global wildfire threat with the local focus will resonate with British Columbians, raising awareness of the FireSmart program and encouraging our communities to take steps towards wildfire resiliency.”

View the full video with interviews from firefighters across B.C. and around the world by visiting

READ MORE: Hope crews put out structure fire at Fraser River camp

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