Jayne Nelson Langley Animal Protection Society

Jayne Nelson Langley Animal Protection Society

VIDEO: Langley sharing Christmas spirit – Part 5

A few locals were asked to share five unexpected gift ideas this holiday season.

  • Dec. 24, 2016 5:00 a.m.

’Tis the season of giving, and in keeping with the concept of showing kindness to other this holiday season, we invited a handful of local people to suggest five unexpected gifts they’d give this Christmas.

These couldn’t be gifts with any significant monetary value, nor anything to do with politics.

Instead, we asked them to share generous deeds/gifts they might give to a complete stranger in these last few days leading up to Christmas.

We received some meaningful, creative, and thoughtfully unexpected gifts you too might wish to share this holiday season.

We will be publishing one of these lists each day, counting down to Christmas Day.

Jayne Nelson,

acting executive director

Langley Animal Protection Society

Here are my five unexpected gifts that I have given this year:

1. Deliver a pre-made dinner or (everything needed to make an easy meal) to someone who needs a lift. The holidays are hard for some people.

2. Donate time or money to the Salvation Army Red Kettle program. It is also nice to thank and acknowledge the amazing volunteers who give their time.

3. Give a gift of any size to your favourite charity.

4. Treat a friend to lunch. Sharing a meal, laughing, and making memories is a wonderful gift.

5. A kind word is always a nice gift to give (and receive) – whether it is someone you know and you share something that you love or admire about them. Or, whether you offer a kind word to the clerk who is helping you or the person in a line up with you at a store. It is always nice to be of good cheer.

Wishing you all a wonderful Christmas surrounded by your favourite people.

See related stories:

Unexpected gifts: Part 1

Unexpected gifts: Part 2

Unexpected gifts: Part 3

Unexpected gifts: Part 4





Langley Advance