A man was led away in handcuffs from Langley City’s McBurney Lane after a confrontation over alleged sexist comments. Several video clips of the incident were posted to social media, generating hundreds of comments.

VIDEO: Man arrested in Langley City confrontation over allegedly sexist remarks

Online post generates hundreds of comments

A confrontation between two women and some “creepy” men in Langley City on Saturday has generated hundreds of comments since it was posted to social media.

In the video, some men in McBurney Plaza are seen becoming belligerent about being recorded after they made what the poster said were insulting remarks of a sexual nature.

One of the men incorrectly claimed it was against the law to make a video recording in a public place.

“You are done,” he can be heard saying.

“Do not take my picture. It is illegal.”

Another man went after a male pedestrian who also recorded the incident, yelling, “look at you, you ____ _____ with your camera.

A police officer can be seen in a final clip leading the now-handcuffed man away.

Nicole Freja, the woman who posted the clips and an account of the incident, called it “very scary.”

Freja said there was a group of men sitting by the parking lot in McBurney, “playing very loud music, drinking and littering their beer cans,” when a friend came by to pick up her dog.

“As I opened the passenger door and bent down to put my puppy in, they began making crude remarks and whistling at me.”

When her friend got out of her car and yelled at them to stop, Freja quoted them saying things like “well she was bent over,” “if you don’t like it you can leave” and one said “this is a free country, we can yell at you all we want, if you don’t like it, move to Russia!”

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When the women started using their phones to record the incident, the woman said one man tried to grab her friend’s phone away and another went after a male witness for recording on his phone.

“Then the police rolled up and all of the creepy drunken men dispersed,” except for one who was arrested by Langley RCMP officers, who marched the suspect away in handcuffs after a struggle.

Freja said one of the officers advised the man may face charges of criminal assault and resisting arrest, as well as being banned from the area.

READ ALSO: VIDEO: Langley RCMP officer takes down robbery suspect

Freja said she posted the video “to remind everyone to please stay safe and be wary of this group of men who frequent this area.”

In less than 24 hours, the video has drawn nearly 300 comments, with some complaining about the video recording, calling it “stupid,” while others said sexist insults should not be tolerated, with one writing “you don’t have to be a vigilante, but you also don’t have to sit back and let the biggest loudest losers of society control us physically and emotionally.”

Is there more to the story? Email: dan.ferguson@langleyadvancetimes.com

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