A UPS delivery driver threw a package on to Ross Selby's porch on Tuesday (Screenshot/ Special to THE NEWS)

A UPS delivery driver threw a package on to Ross Selby's porch on Tuesday (Screenshot/ Special to THE NEWS)

VIDEO: Maple Ridge man catches delivery person throwing parcel onto porch

Hammond resident, Ross Selby, saw a box fly by his window, so checked video feed once driver left

  • Oct. 22, 2020 12:00 a.m.

Ross Selby was sitting in his Maple Ridge home on Tuesday when he spotted something odd out of the corner of his eye.

“I was in the house, and I saw what looked like a package fly onto my front porch,” he said.

He had been expecting delivery of a smoke/ carbon monoxide detector, which he had purchased from Home Depot, so went outside, and saw a parcel lying a short distance from his front door.

Looking up, he saw a UPS van pull away from the curb, and drive off.

Selby had a camera set up outside his house, so decided to take a peak at what he had just captured.

Once he had uploaded the footage, he was shocked at the carelessness of the delivery person.

The man, who appears to be wearing the brown pants and matching cap of a UPS delivery driver, opens Selby’s gate, steps inside and then lobs the package towards the front porch.

The parcel flips over a couple times, bounces off the door and comes to a stop, before the tosser casually backs away and closes the gate behind him.

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Selby said he didn’t know whether to laugh or be very upset at the discovered footage.

The first thing he did was test out the detector, and he said it appears to work.

Following that, he tried to get in touch with UPS, but said it was difficult to get in touch with anyone, and resorted to sending an email. to which he received an automated response.

“I get a lot of packaged from Amazon, and they always seem to be delivered to the door with no issues,” Selby said.

“This was the first one from Home Dept, and delivered by UPS, so it was a bit of a shock.”

Maple Ridge News is still waiting on comment from UPS.

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