(Screenshot/Tourism Harrison River Valley)

VIDEO: New Tourism Harrison River Valley rebrand unveiled

New branding incorproates Harrison, Agassiz, Harrison Mills and area First Nations

  • May. 7, 2021 12:00 a.m.

The local tourism brand is getting a makeover.

Tourism Harrison River Valley, formerly Tourism Harrison, announced a new identity and destination brand. In a statement from spokesperson Summer Dhillon, the Tourism Harrison River Valley brand incorporates Harrison Hot Springs, Agassiz, Harrison Mills, the District of Kent and the Sts’Ailes, Seabird Island, Sq’ewá:lxw, Cheam, Douglas, Leq’a:mel, Samahquam, Sq’ewlets, and Skatin First Nations.

“Tourism Harrison has marketed the Harrison River Valley region since its inception. However, as the region has grown, and the tourism offerings have diversified, it was clear that a brand refresh was needed to be more inclusive and descriptive of our area,” said Tourism Harrison River Valley executive director Robert Reyerse. “Tourism Harrison worked closely with stakeholders and received input from the District of Kent Council, Village of Harrison Council, the Fraser Valley Regional District and a number of First Nations members.”

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In the statement, Sandpiper Resort general manager Ted Swaine expressed excitement to unite the Harrison Mills brand with the Tourism Harrison River Valley banner.

“After a grassroots and passionate effort to create the Harrison Mills brand almost 10 years ago, officially joining the Harrison Hot Springs region was always our next step,” Swaine added.

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Kilby Historic Site executive director Jo-Anne Leon agreed, saying “The Harrison River Valley tourism brand will strengthen all businesses in our region as we work together to showcase our communities.”

There is an official media and VIP brand launch event scheduled for September, subject to COVID-19 restrictions.

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Agassiz-Harrison Observer


(Screenshot/Tourism Harrison River Valley)