Mike Gjaltema with City of Maple Ridge operations department reminds residents don’t to flush cleaning products down the toilet in a video shared by the city on May 2, 2020. (video screen caption)

Mike Gjaltema with City of Maple Ridge operations department reminds residents don’t to flush cleaning products down the toilet in a video shared by the city on May 2, 2020. (video screen caption)

VIDEO: Residents reminded to flush only ‘number one, number two and toilet paper’

Maple Ridge Mayor Mike Morden shares regular video messages during COVID-19

  • May. 6, 2020 12:00 a.m.

Many isolating at home may find it a good time to do a deep clean of their home, so a Maple Ridge operations staff member is reminding residents what they shouldn’t be flushing down the toilet.

In regular video updates Maple Ridge Mayor Mike Morden has been sharing videos online to keep in continuous communication with the community and he’s back with another, this time to introduce Mike Gjaltema, a staff at the city’s department of engineering operations.

“He’s going to talk to you about some things that you might not ordinarily think about in your day-to-day lives,” Morden said in the introduction of the video.

Gjaltema appears on camera with commonly used cleaning products like paper towels, Lysol wipes and gloves.

“I just wanted to remind everybody that while they are cleaning their houses – that these cleaning products – it is very important that they go in the garbage and that they do not get flushed down the toilet and end up in the sanitary system. It is critical that they do not get flushed,” he explained.

Instead, Gjaltema explains what can be flushed down a toilet.

“So remember there are only three things that get flushed down the toilet, number one, number two and toilet paper,” he said.

“Thank you very much for doing your part to stop COVID-19,” Gjaltema said before signing off with two thumbs up.

@JotiGrewal_joti.grewal@blackpress.ca Like us on Facebook and follow us on Twitter.

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