City of Terrace Mayor Carol Leclerc, left, received the plaque from Terrace Community Foundation Chair, Norm Parry at George Little Park. (Binny Paul/Terrace Standard)

VIDEO: Terrace Community Foundation marks 10 years as a philanthropic organization in the city

The plaque presented by the Foundation will be permanently displayed at City Hall

  • Apr. 14, 2021 12:00 a.m.

Terrace Community Foundation (TCF) presented a plaque to the City of Terrace earlier this afternoon to commemorate its 10th anniversary.

Norm Parry, chair of the Terrace Community Foundation presented the plaque to Mayor Carol Leclerc at the George Little Park.

April 14, marked 10 years since the foundation was registered as a philanthropic non-profit organization, governed by a volunteer board in 2011.

The plaque acknowledging major donors will be on permanent display at City Hall.

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Since its inception, the foundation has endowed funds as well as administered community grants on behalf of the city towards various projects. TCF has also provided a flow-through for industry partners’ charitable initiatives and facilitated government funds such as Canada 150 and COVID emergency relief.

Since 2011, TCF has administered grants worth $329,000, supported 72 projects and 43 organizations across sectors such as health, arts and culture, social services, environment and sports.

The organization’s endowment fund totals at $756,000 and is spread across five named funds – Dreger Fund, Lemiski and Schmidt Families Fund, The Dare to Dream Fund, Bill and Helene McRae Fund and Dr. Colleen Froese Fund.

TCF’s endowment fund is invested with and managed by the Prince George Community Foundation.

In 2020, TCF awarded $69,480 in grants to 14 recipients, administered $50,000 in community grant funds of the City of Terrace, established (with corporate support) a $17,000 COVID-19 emergency fund as well as distributed nearly $50,000 in federal COVID-19 funds to non-profits. TCF was also able to engage a professional grant-writer to assist local non-profits with their applications.

The foundation also developed a work plan and formed a steering committee to lead the Vital Conversations project in Terrace, which is an exercises to document important socio-cultural, economic and environmental issues within the community.

Terrace Standard