The wind storm that rattled the Lower Mainland sent a tree branch through the roof of an RV owned by Langley Township resident Dale Peter.

The wind storm that rattled the Lower Mainland sent a tree branch through the roof of an RV owned by Langley Township resident Dale Peter.

VIDEO: Windstorm wreaks havoc in Lower Mainland

RV in Langley speared by branch of lightning-damaged tree

When Dale Peter saw the text from her neighbour, her heart sank.

“I hate to be the bearer of bad news,” it began, and went on to show a photo of the big tree branch that speared the roof of the RV parked under a tarp in her Langley back yard.

It happened around 5:30 p.m. Friday during the windstorm that rattled the Lower Mainland, knocking down trees and crushing a car in Surrey while a mother and child were inside, causing widespread power outages as well as property damage and forcing ferry cancellations.

Peter rushed home to discover the tree had also damaged the stucco on the rear wall of her house at 199A Street and 33A Avenue.

On Saturday morning, she was preparing to call ICBC about the RV and a neighbour was preparing to put a temporary cover over the hole in her house.

Last month, a lightning storm hit the house, ripping bark off a 100-foot fir tree, destroying an electrical unit, cracking the windshield of their car, and splintering wood inside o their carport.

The lightning also smashed a small brick wall on the property.

“It’s been a (stressful) month,” Peter told The Times.

“I’m a little jumpy right now.”


Langley Times