JP Hoe is playing the Diamond Hall in Ladysmith on April 18 as a fundraiser for the LRCA.

JP Hoe is playing the Diamond Hall in Ladysmith on April 18 as a fundraiser for the LRCA.

VIDEO: Winnipeg singer-songwriter returns to Ladysmith for LRCA fundraiser

$5 from tickets and all profits from beverage sales will be donated to the LRCA

Ladysmith’s Diamond Hall will play host to singer-songwriter and six-time Western Canadian Music Award nominatee JP Hoe and his band later this month.

Local resident and music manager, Cathleen McMahon is organizing the wine and craft beer tasting fundraiser in support of the Ladysmith Resources Centre Association on April 18.

Hailing from Winnipeg, Man., Hoe has released three albums, including his latest Hideaway, as well as Mannequin and The Dear John Letters.

He also recently collaborated with four other musicians on a album spearheaded by award-winning producer Rusty Matyas (Weakerthans, Waking Eyes) that was recorded in a remote lakeside cabin in his home province.

The JP Hoe Trio, which includes Mariel Gonzalez on cello and Matthew Harder playing guitar, is currently on a tour of western Canada. Port Alberni and Ladysmith are the only Vancouver Island stops.

McMahon’s husband, Ryan, a local musician and member of Lion Bear Fox, was on tour with his band in Calgary in 2013 when they played a double bill with Hoe.

Ryan snagged a copy of his album Mannequin. Upon arriving home a couple of weeks later, he gave the CD to his wife telling her, “I think you’ll like this.” Cathleen loved it.

Over the next five years, Hoe has returned to Ladysmith four times playing the local house concert scene.

The Short Close Song Shelter, Jovic Pottery and the Ladysmith Maritime Society have all hosted Hoe with rave reviews.

He returns to town in less than two week to once again entertain concert-goers.

Tickets are on sale now for $28.12 on Eventbrite or by calling the Song Shelter at 250-668-3338. Your First beverage or three toonie tastings are included in the ticket price.

Five dollars from tickets and all profits from beverage sales will be donated to the LRCA to support programs that serve the local area.

Ladysmith Chronicle