Construction continues on Coast Mountain College’s student residence on May 12, 2021. (Ben Bogstie/Terrace Standard)

VIDEO: Work continues on major projects at Coast Mountain College

Price tag of $35 million set for housing, substantial renovations

Contractors working on assembling modular student housing units being grouped around a purpose-built central atrium at Coast Mountain College remain focused on completion the first week of August.

The 108 rooms, with guest suites, are an increase over the 71 student rooms in four decades-old residence buildings no longer considered adequate. Those buildings are set for demolition.

Work had been hindered because 11 of 15 modular units in the south wing of the structure suffered varying degrees of water damage leading up to assembly.

Water had collected on lower levels but a remediation and reconstruction plan involved opening up those levels to allow drying.

“Modules are now dry and ready for reconstruction. There is currently no impact to schedule. Substantial completion remains August 6, 2021,” indicated a statement from the provincial advanced education and skills training ministry which oversees the college.

Remediation and reconstruction costs are being covered by an insurance policy specific to the project.

The student housing project is costing $21.6 million with the province contributing the lion’s share at $20.6 million and the college adding the remaining $1 million. Of that total, $6.3 million was spent in Alberta on the modular units.

This project is the largest component of a series of capital projects now underway at the campus which together have a price tag of $35 million.

The two top floors of the main administration building are being rebuilt at a cost of $9 million, including a new main entryway, while the basement library and surrounding office space is being rebuilt at a cost of $4.4 million.

An overflowing upper floor toilet in 2018 resulting in a flooding of the library area, sufficient enough so that it was closed, books put into storage and a small replacement placed in the trades building. Insurance is covering $69,000 of the reconstruction cost.

Each of the projects will feature themes and art reflecting the First Nations and Métis within the college’s region.

Nearly 20 out of town and local companies have already been hired with more contracts still to be let once a final design is ready for the rebuild of the two upper floors of the main administration building.

The spending translates into an estimate that 318 direct and indirect jobs of varying lengths of time and for various purposes will result from the start of project planning in May 2019 for student housing to the projected end, when the main administrative building is finished, in the fall of 2022.

“The total job numbers are forecasted using a model developed by Stats Canada, which includes direct, (construction, consulting) indirect (manufacturing and supply chain) and induced employment or employment that results from wages spent in the community,” indicated the advanced education ministry.

Terrace Standard