Lily Chow, director of multiculturalism for the New Pathways to Gold Society, speaks at Saturday’s unveiling.

Lily Chow, director of multiculturalism for the New Pathways to Gold Society, speaks at Saturday’s unveiling.

VIDEO: Yale commemorates Chinese contributions

More than a century and a half later, a local business man On Lee is recognized

  • Aug. 19, 2018 12:00 a.m.

Descendants of a Yale Chinese immigrant gathered at the 19th century business owner’s property on Saturday to honour the man who was known as On Lee.

Minister of State for Trade George Chow and director of multiculturalism for the New Pathways to Gold Society Lily Chow joined the event commemorating the contributions of Chinese Canadians in the Yale community.

A plaque was unveiled at the site recognizing the hardships that On Lee and other Chinese settlers endured while helping build British Columbia.

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