A group fishing off Greater Victoria had a once-in-a-lifetime encounter with a trio of young orcas on Jan. 17. (Courtesy Craig Twidale)

VIDEO: Young orcas caught showboating off Greater Victoria

Group fishing near Race Rocks films rare encounter with killer whales

They say the downfall of every great fishing story is a witness.

But a group fishing off Greater Victoria – near Race Rocks – managed to get a Jan. 17 orca encounter on video.

The group thought the boat was being approached by a pod of porpoises but quickly realised it was a young orca – belly up.

With the boat already off, the men worked to pull fishing gear out of the water as a trio of young orcas playfully inspected the boat while the rest of their pod watched from a distance.

It wasn’t a great day for fishing but it’s sure to be one that won’t be forgotten.

ALSO READ: Victoria volunteer captures ‘awesome’ elephant seal birth


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