Firefighters from Ladysmith and Chemainus were called in to assist with shutting down part of the Trans-Canada Highway in Chemainus on Saturday morning so that Air Ambulance could land directly on the road and transport a patient.  (Ray Delcourt Photo)

Firefighters from Ladysmith and Chemainus were called in to assist with shutting down part of the Trans-Canada Highway in Chemainus on Saturday morning so that Air Ambulance could land directly on the road and transport a patient. (Ray Delcourt Photo)

View our topics list for the series

Track each part

Week One: ‘People are dying from treatable medical conditions’

Week Two: A deep dive on reports that show the rural/urban divide

Week Three: Is there hope beyond Hope?

Week Four: Paramedic roles and perspectives

This Week: Financial arguments and personal stories

Week Six: The action plan and the path to healing the system

Castlegar News