Jim Hilton (left) and Bill Irwin show Kaden Krampl, 4, how to look through the telescope to see the planet Mercury pass in front of the sun. One can see sun flares on the red sun with a small round dot below them that is Mercury.

Jim Hilton (left) and Bill Irwin show Kaden Krampl, 4, how to look through the telescope to see the planet Mercury pass in front of the sun. One can see sun flares on the red sun with a small round dot below them that is Mercury.

View the planet Mercury by telescope this morning at Scout Island

The public is invited to Scout Island this morning May 9 until about noon to look into telescopes to watch the planet Mercury.

Bill Irwin and Jim Hilton have two telescopes set up at Scout Island Nature Centre this morning, May 9 from 8 a.m. to about noon to watch the small black dot which is the planet Mercury pass in front of the sun.

The morning is clear and sunny, so the view is very clear.

Mercury is 36 million miles from the sun, says Hilton.

The two astronomy buffs invite the public to come down and see the Transit of Mercury for themselves.

The telescopes are located on the grass right beside the parking lot.


Williams Lake Tribune