council notes

Vilage of Burns Lake town council approves more funding for Water Treatment Plant

The Village of Burns Lake will allocate over $17,000 to complete additional projects

  • Aug. 18, 2021 12:00 a.m.

Council has voted in favor of allocating $17,118 from the water filling station revenue account, in order to complete additional Water Treatment Plant projects.

The funding will go towards three specific projects; installing a new programmable logic controller at the Gerow Island well site, installing additional fencing at the Gerow Island well site, and conducting a main water supply inspection using a dive team.

The main water pipeline is 30 years old, and needs inspection on the line, as well as the weights and valves. This will be a fact finding mission. Once the dive team makes an inspection on the main water line, further decisions will be made on whether the line can be fixed or whether it needs to be replaced completely, as well as potentially applying for grants or extra funding.

Additional funds for Anglican Church restoration project

A motion was carried that $25,000 in additional funds will be allocated from the Northern Capital and Planning Grant for a restoration of Anglican Church.

After a site visit from a structural engineer, cracks in the foundation as well as a bowed back well were discovered, adding to the pre-construction estimated cost. The Village of Burns Lake had previously allocated $35,000 in pre-construction funding, however a revised estimate was submitted after finding the issues, causing the need for additional funding.

The total cost of the restoration project is an estimated $735,000 including pre-construction.

Subdivision Servicing Bylaw to be updated

A motion was carried by town council to allocate up to $49,275 for funding of an update to the subdivision servicing bylaw, after a grant application to UBCM was denied.

The current bylaw was written in 1990, and the standards have changed enough to require it to be rewritten.

Part of the funding will also go towards improving the application processes, which are currently out of date. Due to the substantial increase in development in Burns Lake, there is an expected increase in subdivision applications. One of the goals of the project is to establish a clear process to improve workflow for developers and staff when questions and applications are received.

Online staff training for the chief administrative officer as well as the service planner will also be included in the project, as well as an update of the geographical information system data for the development of an online mapping portal. The goal of this is to improve efficiency and reduce staff time for inquiries because they are currently using a paper-based system.

Burns Lake Lakes District News