Village Green transit move on hold

City officials hope a compromise can be found to keep stop at mall

A popular transit stop could remain on course.The relocation of the bus stop at the Village Green Centre bus stop to 48th Avenue has been delayed until April 1 instead of Feb. 6 and the move could be avoided altogether.“There is dialogue which is good,” said Coun. Juliette Cunningham.First Canada, which operates transit, has stated it can’t provide the service to the existing transit stop in the mall because of safety concerns related to traffic and the configuration of the parking lot.Management at the Village Green Centre has previously insisted it’s committed to accommodating a transit stop onsite.Cunningham hopes a compromise can be found so transit users don’t have to walk from 48th Avenue, through the parking lot, to the mall.“It’s a concern for seniors or parents with children,” she said.

Vernon Morning Star