Village of Burns Lake council decides on resolutions

Village of Burns Lake staff are in the process of drafting up three resolutions and will present them to council at the council meeting.

  • Feb. 22, 2012 7:00 a.m.

With the March 2, 2012 deadline looming for submitting resolutions to be considered at the 2012 North Central Local Government Association (NCLGA) convention, Village of Burns Lake council decided on three topics to submit during their recent meeting.

Nine topics to submit as resolutions were previously suggested by mayor and council, however Stephanie Beerling, director of corporate services for the village suggested council choose three, so that adequate background information can be obtained to prepare council to discuss the resolutions at the 100 Mile House conference to be held in May 2012.

Suggested topics included First Nations service agreement funding, dual representation on local government boards and councils, brownfield sites, loan and grant funding to meet 2020 carbon neutral goals, Statistics Canada recognition of First Nation citizens living on reserves, capital infrastructure grants for small municipalities, waste wood residue, required new hospital replacement capital contributions and corporate land maintenance and beautification.

Councillor John Illes said he feels the First Nations service agreement topic is important as well as the 40 per cent capital contribution being requested by the province for new hospitals.

“Both of these topics would bring a wide audience at NCLGA [conference],” he said.

“What about waste wood residue? … what is this topic exactly referring too,” asked Mayor Luke Strimbold.

Councillor Susan Schienbein said, “It is just me complaining about all the wood wasted in the bush. It drives me nuts every time I drive by a slash pile burning. I am not sure if it is one of our top three topics, but I think the issue needs to be addressed.”

She said, “I think First Nation Service Agreement funding is critical, as is Health Care.”

Councillor Quentin Beach said he also feels that Statistics Canada recognition of on reserve population is also important.

“Brownfield sites are also a key issue for any downtown redevelopment that we are planning,” he said,

Council decided their top three would be First Nations Service Agreement funding, Capital contributions required for new hospitals and brownfield sites.

Village of Burns Lake staff are now in the process of drafting up the resolutions based on council’s top three topics and will present them to council at the Feb. 21, 2012 council meeting for review before they are submitted to NCLGA.


Burns Lake Lakes District News