The Village of Nakusp is looking to expand its boundary limits down the road. File photoThe Village of Nakusp is looking to expand its boundary limits down the road. File photo

The Village of Nakusp is looking to expand its boundary limits down the road. File photoThe Village of Nakusp is looking to expand its boundary limits down the road. File photo

Village of Nakusp looks to expand boundary limits

The village's current boundary limits would have to be fully serviced before expansion could occur

  • Jun. 11, 2020 12:00 a.m.

The Village of Nakusp is considering expanding the size of its boundary in the years to come, according to an online report from mayor Tom Zeleznik.

The report said expanding the boundary would be most feasible going northwards and eastwards from the village.

A water capacity and servicing study, a growth study and a sustainable asset management study would have to be completed for the boundary expansion to occur, according to the report.

The expansion could also only occur once the current village boundary is fully serviced and a specific target density is achieved in it.

The report said the village might already own land around the airport and waterfront that could accomodate residential or economic development in the future.

Key findings from the report came from a recent virtual meeting that council and staff had with a planning consultant around the village’s official community plan.

Approximately 1600 people live in Nakusp.

READ MORE: Feedback sought Thursday on Nakusp’s future development

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