The village staff will look at various options to power the complex. File photo

The village staff will look at various options to power the complex. File photo

Village of Nakusp looks to power sports complex with clean or reduced energy

Village staff are currently applying for CBT grant to help complete power project at facility

  • Jul. 14, 2020 12:00 a.m.

Nakusp village council has instructed staff to apply for a Columbia Basin Trust (CBT) grant to support an alternative or renewable energy project at the Nakusp and District Sports Complex.

The overall aim of the project would improve energy efficiencies and lower operating costs at the complex.

According to an online report written by chief administrative officer Cheryl Martens, the complex gets its heat and hot water from two commercial boilers.

The report said two options could be to either replace one of the boilers with a biomass system or to replace one of the boilers with a smaller domestic boiler.

Mayor Tom Zeleznik said wood waste could potentially be one of the biomass fuels used.

The village has been paying up to $11,000 a month in water heating costs at the complex.

Village and CBT staff will be working together during the grant application to investigate the scope and financial return on each of the potential projects.

The deadline to apply for the grant is Aug. 11.

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