Village council saw an application to build a seven foot fence around a 3rd Ave. property in Nakusp. (Jocelyn Doll-Revelstoke Review)

Village of Nakusp sees application for seven foot fence

Council raised concerns about curb appeal

  • Apr. 19, 2021 12:00 a.m.

The Village of Nakusp has received an application for the construction a seven foot fence around a property on 3rd Ave. NW.

Keeping deer out of the garden and privacy were reasons given by the applicant for wanting the fence.

Fence height is restricted to four feet in village’s Zoning Bylaw, a variance is also needed exempt the property from visibility requirements that would see the corner of the fence near the intersection be only two feet high.

Staff inspected the site and determined that there would be no traffic issues if the variance was issued for the corner however, councillors raised issue with the seven foot fence.

Coun. Ken Miller said he thought a seven foot fence would make it look like a gated community.

“If we approve this everyone in town will be asking for a seven foot fence,” he said. Coun. Susan Desandoli agreed, saying she had already seen people commenting such things on social media.

Coun. Joseph Hughs said he would be voting against a seven foot privacy fence and suggested that the additional three feet being see-through, such as pigeon wire, in order to keep the deer out.

In the end council voted to refer the variance permit back to staff and instructed them to reach out to the applicant with their suggestions.

If allowed, would you have a seven foot fence around your property?


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