There’s no limit on the number of cannabis shops that can operate in Nakusp. File photo

Village of Nakusp staff asked to review cannabis shop application

The cannabis shop would be located at 572 Highway 6 South

  • Nov. 17, 2020 12:00 a.m.

Nakusp village council has asked staff to further investigate a resident’s request to build a cannabis shop on their property at 572 Highway 6 South.

Village chief administrative officer Cheryl Martens said there’s one main thing they’ll be reviewing.

“There were traffic concerns around visibility and speed raised by council,” said Martens.

“While the posted speed limit around the property is 60 km/h, there’s a lot of trucks and other vehicles that come flying by there at 80 or 90km/h.”

Getting RCMP to conduct more speed radars near the property was one possible solution raised by council to get motorists to slow down.

The front portion of the property is zoned as commercial while the back is zoned as residential. The property owner hopes to renovate an existing structure at the front of the property into the cannabis shop and build a structure at the back of the property to live in.

The owner of Mount Odin Cannabis voiced his opposition to the proposal. He was worried that the proposed shop would negatively impact his own business that just opened in September.

“We’re a small community and we understood the concerns that they had around the project,” said Martens.

Mount Odin Cannabis was the first cannabis shop to open up in Nakusp.

Village council has decided not to limit the number of local cannabis shops and review each business application on a case-by-case basis.

Council may make a decision on the proposal as early as the next council meeting.

Nakusp cannabis shops are not allowed to operate within 300 metres of schools, day cares and playgrounds.

READ MORE: More than one cannabis shop can now operate in Nakusp

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