Village of Nakusp to increase water and sewer rates

Highlights from the village council meeting of Jan. 25.

Water and sewer rates going up

In order to operate major infrastructure services like water and sewer, there needs to be sufficient reserves in place to fund future capitol investments or emergency repairs.

This isn’t happening with Nakusp. From 2016 to 2020, the village is projecting a deficit of of $351,633 for sewer, and $562,928 for water. This isn’t feasible and as a result, the village has opted to increase water and sewer rates.

The rates for each will increase by 10 per cent in the next five years. Because of this increase, a surplus for both infrastructures is projected.

For sewer, that surplus is estimated to be around $207,700. For water, the surplus is estimated to be $87,999.

As an incentive to pay there will be a five per cent discount on rates if paid within 30 days. Staff are also recommending a 10 per cent penalty be levied on all utilities not paid by August 31. This will help alleviate the amount that is transferred to taxes at year end.

In 2015, 10 per cent of the total utility charges levied were transferred to taxes.


Progress report from the Director of Recreations and Parks

Terry Welsh, director of Recreations & Parks gave his progress report from Nov. 15, 2015 to Jan. 19, 2016.

There was an operational issue with the arena’s condenser unit freezing up during the recent cold snap. Staff were able to fix the issue with the assistance of the village’s contract electrician.

Recreations & Park staff have been maintaining the trails from the municipal campground and around the sports fields to province outdoor walk for residents. This program has been well received.

Collaboration with the Rotary Club’s waterfront lighting project committee was ongoing through the period. Project scheduling and work flow were the primary discussions.

Preparation of the 2016 capital budget will be a priority over the next period for Recreation & Parks and the Nakusp Hot Springs.

Preparation of a terms of reference for aproject steering committee will be completed and the development of a request for proposal for the Trail Master Plan will continue.

Work will continue with thesteering committee in determining the feasibility of obtaining a caboose from Canadian Pacific Rail.

An application for a student position to work on developing programming activities at thesport complex will be prepared and submitted.


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