Public washroom use left the Nakusp Launch Club Society with a hefty hydro bill. But the village will reimburse them. Photo: Village of Nakusp

Public washroom use left the Nakusp Launch Club Society with a hefty hydro bill. But the village will reimburse them. Photo: Village of Nakusp

Village of Nakusp to reimburse Launch Club Society for over $5,000 in hydro bills

The society has been footing the bills since 2010

  • Jun. 25, 2020 12:00 a.m.

The Village of Nakusp council has decided to reimburse the Nakusp Launch Club Society $5,444 in BC Hydro bills they’ve paid to power the washrooms at the marina parking lot.

According to an online letter by society president Ken France, they have continued to pay the bills since 2010 even though the washrooms became a public facility in the early 2000s.

France said a portion of the expenses came from a number of “locals” who used hot water at the facility to take showers.

Over time, the hot water was disconnected to deter frequent showering and eventually the showers were removed altogether.

The marina’s power has also been shut off since October 2019 due to deteriorating infrastructure.

The society estimates washroom power usage was 15 per cent of the marina’s overall power use during the time period.

Nakusp mayor Tom Zeleznik said the society was never required to pay the bills over the years.

The village said funds from a general surplus were used to pay the society.

READ MORE: Mayor offers glimmer of hope for saving Nakusp marina

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