Vintage rock missing

A 70-year-old rock went missing form the Salmon Arm Curling Club over the weekend.

A 70-year-old curling rock went missing from the Salmon Arm Curling Club over the weekend.

A 70-year-old curling rock went missing from the Salmon Arm Curling Club over the weekend.

A piece of Salmon Arm’s curling heritage has gone missing.

Over the weekend during the club’s mixed bonspiel event, a 70-year-old rock vanished.

“It’s one of a pair. It was a crowded house that night (Saturday) with lots of people who attended the party coming from the hockey game next door,” said Darcy Seghers, general manager of the curling club.

The 42 pound rock has been in possession of the club since 1946 when the pair was purchased by Edward Blanc for $60 from Harry McDermot’s Hardware store.

The senior rock even survived the fire in 1976 and has been a mainstay at the facility since it was built in 1978.

“We have not had the chance to build the display case for the rocks yet so it was sitting out in the open.”

Seghers would like anyone with any information on the where a bouts of the rock to contact him or return it.

“Please bring it back, there will be no questions asked. Just leave it by the front door, or inside the front door. It means a lot to us,” said Seghers.

Seghers is hopeful the rock will return and says this was a disappointing end to an otherwise great weekend.

Salmon Arm Observer