VIREB hosts all candidates meetings



The Vancouver Island Real Estate Board wants voters to get out, meet the candidates and get prepared to vote in the May 2 federal election.

To help voters make informed decisions about selecting who will govern the country, VIREB has teamed up with Island Radio and the News Bulletin to host two all candidate meetings in Nanaimo.

“We feel, as an organization, it’s important for us to do this,” said Darrell Paysen, VIREB manager of member services. “We take a very strong role in government relations at the federal, provincial and even at the municipal level, as much as we can throughout our board area.”

He said VIREB lobbies the government on issues that affect average Canadians regarding home ownership, housing affordability and other real estate related issues. It has hosted all candidate meetings over the past decade to help all voters become informed and engaged in the election process. All meetings are open to the general public.

“Even if you don’t get your question asked particularly, at least if you’re there you’re able to participate in it,” Paysen said. “You can see it on TV, but like any other thing, it’s not as good as being there in person.”

Daryl Major, news director for Island Radio, said Candidates from the four main political parties have pledged to turn out for meetings, but the invitation has also been extended to candidates for the Marxist Leninist Party, Pirate Party and Christian Heritage Party.

“I think it’s important the public has the chance to hear from all the candidates, where they stand on the issues and maybe get an opportunity to ask some questions,” Major said. “Hopefully it will get people out and get people interested in voting again, because voter apathy is such a big problem in this country. Certainly with the way this election came about, that’s going to be a problem again, I fear.”

Nanaimo-Cowichan riding candidates square off Tuesday (April 26) 7-9 p.m. at Georgia Avenue Community School, 625 Georgia Ave.

Nanaimo-Alberni candidates go head-to-head at Dover Bay Secondary School, 6135 McGirr Rd., Thursday (April 28) 7 – 9 p.m.

“The News Bulletin is pleased to do what it can to help Nanaimo voters to address their questions directly to their candidates,” said Maurice Donn, News Bulletin publisher.



Nanaimo News Bulletin