Sickle Point as seen from the air. (Kaleden Community Association - David Mai)

Virtual townhall on Sickle Point goes Jan. 13

RDOS staff will answer questions on the alternative approval process and potential financial impacts

  • Jan. 10, 2021 12:00 a.m.

The Regional District of Okanagan-Similkameen will be hosting an electronic town hall on Jan. 13 to discuss the alternative approval process currently underway regarding the Sickle Point property in Kaleden.

The RDOS is seeking to borrow up to $3.5 million through the alternative approval process to purchase the property.

The town hall will run from 7 p.m. until 8 p.m.

READ MORE: RDOS seeking alternate approval of loan to purchase Sickle Point

RDOS staff will be available during the town hall to discuss the financial impacts, alternative approval process and the next steps following either the success or rejection of the approval process.

Residents can view the townhall on the RDOS youtube channel, and participate by going to with meeting number 146 584 3334 and password RD@S.

READ MORE: Efforts to save Sickle Point down to the wire

If 10 per cent of the qualified electors in the Kaleden Recreation Programming and Facility Maintenance Service area that are being asked to pay for the loan oppose it, the alternative approval process will not go through.

At that point, the RDOS can still proceed to a full referendum, if the property is still available to purchase.

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