Vision requires entire council

Vernon politicians are dedicated to their vision but it has to fit into their schedule first.

Vernon politicians are dedicated to their vision but it has to fit into their schedule first.

Council was asked by staff Monday to table consideration of its 2015-18 draft strategic plan until March 9, but that didn’t go over well.

“Both the mayor and councillor Cunningham will be away then so it should be held on the meeting after,” said Coun. Bob Spiers.

“It makes sense to have everyone there.”

That was also the view of Coun. Brian Quiring, who insisted that a team approach is required to finalize the plan.

“You want to be part of the whole thing,” he said of his colleagues.

The strategic plan will now be discussed by council March 23, and while staff attempted to present an overview of the plan Monday, that also has been put off until March 23 because councillors are absent.

“Everyone should take part in everything, including the overview,” said Coun. Catherine Lord.

“This is a plan we all put together.”

Through the creation of a strategic plan, council has identified a number of goals, including regional collaboration, economic development, parks and recreation, protective services, municipal services and a transportation network.

“Achieving the vision and its goals requires a number of deliverables over the next four years,” said Kim Flick community development director, in a report.

“The deliverables are specific, measurable, achievable, relevant and time bound.”



Vernon Morning Star