Cottonwood Park is a favourite for Fort. St James residents and tourists. (Rebecca Dyok photo)

Visioning plan being developed for Cottonwood Park in Fort St. James

Plan to provide recommendations on future projects

  • Jun. 23, 2021 12:00 a.m.

A long-term development and infrastructure visioning plan will be developed for a vital anchor attraction for visitors and residents of Fort St. James.

Fort St. James Mayor and Council recently agreed to direct staff to engage Stantec Engineering to create a visioning plan for Cottonwood Park.

The $30,000 plan will also include the marina, campground and waterfront area.

“We are looking at creating a coordinated plan that will inform infrastructure planning decisions into the next two decades,” said economic development officer Brooke Eschuk, noting the project is in its very early stages.

Read More: Cottonwood Connector creates safer access

“This will allow us to build on and enhance the waterfront incrementally and make the most efficient use of taxpayer dollars and external grant funding.”

Cottonwood Park and the waterfront area are a major draw for tourists providing access to camping, waterfront activities and world-class fishing.

It is spread over a large area that has been identified as lacking cohesion.

Eschuk said the District would be asking the consultant to recommend projects that can be accomplished in three phases.

“The visioning plan will enable the district to implement infrastructure projects that will bring benefit to the community and visitors, and enhance the beautiful asset we have on the shore of Stuart Lake.”

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