Vital Pulse launches third and final survey

The survey is available online and will inform community needs

  • Aug. 2, 2021 12:00 a.m.

The Golden & District Community Foundation (GDCF) is asking community members to fill out their vital pulse survey, which helps the foundation assess the communities needs and priorities.

Currently, the organization is asking residents to fill out the third and final of the series of surveys, focusing primarily on the environment.

Previous surveys polled the community on society, with questions about the type of community that residents would like to see Golden and Area A be and the type of society residents value.

The second was on economic issues and needs facing Golden and Area A.

Both surveys are still ongoing and can be filled out online at the GDCF website.

Results from these surveys, as well as from community meetings and other input opportunities, will be posted to the GDCF website in Q3 2021 and will inform the granting committee of the current priorities for Golden and Area A.

New priorities for the Community Gran Program will be set each fall.

When completing the survey, the GDCF says that participants may want to consider the 13 priority areas previously assigned, such as Housing, health, work, economy, recreation and leisure, safety, environment, getting started and staying, learning, gap between rich and poor, getting around, arts, culture and heritage, and belonging and leadership.

READ MORE: GDCF unveils new small grants program

The 17 sustainable development goals outlined by the UN are also a great place to start, says the GDCF.

The GDCF is hoping that the process will help increase community engagement and fuel a conversation on what the community may look like down the road.

For the last 10 years, the Golden & District Community Foundation has participated in the Vital Signs process which develops a priority issue ranking document which is released every 3 years.

The Vital Pulse project is replacing the previous Vital Sings project in setting community priorities. Each year, the community will have a chance to fill our surveys and help the GDCF set new priorities. The Foundation will also be releasing a yearly report letting residents know how they were able to fund the priorities outlined and determined in the previous year.

A third survey on the environment will be released at the end of June.

Since 2001, the Golden & District Community Foundation has been connecting donors with community organizations, nurturing a healthy, vibrant, giving and caring community.

The Foundation seeks to attract and effectively grow permanent funds, provide leadership and administration that helps in addressing community needs.

Golden Star