Volunteer globally with North Island College

Programs designed to provide hands-on international study abroad and leadership experiences to students and staff

NIC students, staff and alumni now have the opportunity to travel and help people across Africa, Asia and Latin America, thanks to a new partnership with a major Canadian volunteer cooperation.

The college signed a new partnership this month with Uniterra, an international development program funded by the Canadian Department of Foreign Affairs, Trade and Development.

“This is a unique opportunity,” said NIC’s Associate Director of International Education, Cathy Mutis. “You can read about, watch, and interact locally with people from around the world but it’s not the same as being there. When you travel and volunteer overseas, especially on international development projects like these, you learn about cultures, communities, and yourself.”

Students and staff will be eligible for one of two Uniterra programs designed to provide hands-on international study abroad and leadership experiences to students and staff.

Students without Borders offers students and alumni the ability contribute to development work across 15 countries in Africa, Asia or Latin America through three to eight months internships. Students gain valuable skills and work experience, which may fulfill their work placement requirements.

Through Leave for Change, NIC faculty and staff can apply their skills in a practical, cross-cultural setting.

Volunteers transform part of their annual vacation to  into a three to four week assignment to work alongside established volunteers and staff in developing countries.

Both programs are operated by Uniterra through the World University Service of Canada (WUSC) and the Centre for International Studies and Cooperation (CECI).

“NIC is very pleased to be partnering with two very reputable international development organizations,” said Mutis. “These programs fit very well with NIC’s focus on internationalization in our new strategic plan. The world is changing; global perspectives and international understandings are important to students, staff and administration at NIC.”

More information on the countries, projects and placements is available at www.uniterra.ca. For information about study abroad opportunities at NIC visit www.nic.bc.ca/studyabroad or email istudyabroad@nic.bc.ca.

Campbell River Mirror