The Campbell River Volunteer Society will hold its AGM at the Campbell River Museum on Monday, June 20.
The AGM will start off with networking and appetizers at 5 p.m. followed by the AGM at 5:30 p.m. The society will then listen to Rhonda Teramura of Tremain Media speak about non-profit Social Media Engagement.
Volunteers, organizations and board members are welcome. Meet the board of directors, network with other non-profits, take part in the silent auction, enjoy some appetizers from sponsor Thrifty Foods, win door prizes and support the Campbell River Volunteer Society.
The AGM will consist of voting in new board members, a financial review, last year’s highlights and a new video release. This is a free event with donations accepted. To register, contact the centre at 250-287-8111 or email: by June 13.