Walker ready to resume trek

Man and dog ready to get back on the road again after health issues force them to stop their journey to Ottawa.

Robin Edgar Haworth and best friend Koda relax in the sunshine. The pair had to stop their Right the Wrong walk July 1 after Robin experienced some health concerns and returned to Penticton.

Robin Edgar Haworth and best friend Koda relax in the sunshine. The pair had to stop their Right the Wrong walk July 1 after Robin experienced some health concerns and returned to Penticton.

Mark Brett

Western News Staff




Although he’d only been back in Penticton a day, artist Robin Edgar-Howarth is already anxious to be back on the road again.

He and canine travelling companion Koda arrived at Penticton Regional Airport July 4 from Winnipeg, Man. after a health matter three days earlier forced the pair to end their journey just east of Kenora, Ont.

“’I’m back in town for the moment but I’m pretty sure I’m going to be continuing this journey I’ll be seeing the doctor tomorrow (July 6) but I’m pretty sure I’m feeling in my head that whatever happens, happens,” said Edgar-Haworth. “I feel this journey is not complete and I don’t want to go out and have the last thing people say to me ‘oh I’m sorry, I’m sorry you couldn’t complete your trip.”

Since leaving in the spring, the walker had completed about 2,300 kilometres and had about 1,400 to go his destination in Ottawa.

His plan is to talk to as many people, in particular politicians, about missing and murdered aboriginal women and other social issues.

If possible he plans to catch a flight back to Winnipeg and pick up where he left off as soon as possible.

















Penticton Western News