Walking safety resource launched

Walk On, Victoria has launched an on-line guide to help people report hazardous walking conditions to local municipalities

  • Jan. 21, 2017 10:00 a.m.

Walk On, Victoria, the capital region’s pedestrian advocacy organization, has launched an on-line guide to help people report hazardous walking conditions to local municipalities.

The online guide is built around a four-step process and is designed to make it easy for pedestrians to contact local staff and elected officials.

“Pedestrians have their feet on the ground, so to speak,” says Arielle Guetta, chair of the Walk On, Victoria steering committee. “They are often the people who first encounter a sidewalk or pathway obstacle or who face a challenging intersection on a daily basis. Who better to let their local municipality know there is a problem?”

Learn more at www.walkonvictoria.org/citizens-guide-for-reporting-sidewalk-issues-and-concerns.



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