Walnut Grove spa hit in brazen daylight robbery on Saturday

Langley RCMP are still on the look out for a man who robbed the Lotus Day Spa at knifepoint in broad daylight on Saturday.

The suspect, described to be in his 20s, about 5’8” tall, thin and wearing a black bandana on his face, came into the Walnut Grove spa with an edged weapon demanding money, said Cpl. Holly Marks.

The suspect left with cash in a silver van. Police attempted to block him in at the intersection of 208 Avenue and 88 Avenue. The suspect made a hard right and took off.

“We didn’t attempt to pursue the vehicle,” said Marks.

Police believe the suspect switched into another vehicle and got away.

If you have any information about this crime call Langley RCMP at 604-532-3200.

Langley Times