Warfield residents asked to reduce water usage

Friday's storm impacted water treatment plant

The Village of Warfield is asking residents to reduce the amount of water their using for the next little while.

The call comes after Friday’s storm that rolled through the area.

A powerful storm caused a power outage in Warfield and subsequently at the water treatment plant.

“Basically we lost the ability to communicate with the equipment, so lost automation,” explained Jackie Patridge, Warfield’s corporate officer.

“Everything had to be controlled manually. This included opening and closing valves. The system remained functional, but the amount of water stored in the reservoirs directly above Upper Warfield was gradually reduced.”

Patridge said the damaged parts have been replaced, and everything is working fine, now. There is no estimate on the cost just yet.

However, she added there is a need to replenish the reservoir.

“We have asked to residents to reduce the amount of water used for sprinklers, washing cars, etc., until the reservoirs are full again, which should take several days.”

Trail Daily Times