Temperatures hit 31.5 Celsius on Sunday in Chilliwack, breaking a record for that day, May 5.

Temperatures hit 31.5 Celsius on Sunday in Chilliwack, breaking a record for that day, May 5.

Warm, dry conditions staying in Chilliwack all week

Temperatures in Chilliwack Sunday hit a high of 31.5 degrees Celsius, beating a record of 29.4 C set on that day back in 1953.

More records might be broken.

Monday saw hotter than usual temperatures again recorded in Chilliwack.

The sudden heat wave is making some folks look toward Chilliwack’s spray parks and fountains for relief.

Someone tweeted City of Chilliwack officials on Monday to ask them to “please turn the spray parks on early! My kids need a place to go!”

By Tuesday City of Chilliwack staff had responded to say they were looking for a way to turn the spray parks on early.

Typically they don’t become operational before the May long weekend, and the spray park equipment in front of the Landing Leisure Centre has to undergo repairs first, said staff.

As of Monday, the fountain in Central Community Park was activated, but the Landing spray park boat was being worked on, as was the equipment at the Cheam Centre

“We appreciate your patience,” was the message from the city.

Environment Canada’s volunteer weather watcher, Roger Pannett says the “unusually dry and warm” conditions would likely continue this week.

Sunday hit a high of 31.5 degrees Celsius, beating its previous record of 29.4 C set on that day back in 1953.

That’s a whopping 14 degrees above normal.

Only Lilooet was warmer as the B.C. hotspot on May 6 with 32.8 as a high for the day.

There were actually two temperature records broken on Sunday.

“Beneath clear, sunny skies and moderate dry outflow winds reducing the humidity to 18 per cent on May 5, two high temperature records were recorded,” Pannett wrote in an email.

The first was the maximum high, and the second was the high mean temperature record of 22.15 C breaking  the previous record of 21.1  ̊C set in 1966.

“May 6 will probably be another record breaking day,” he said.

Monday saw the second-day of record-breaking heat – with the mercury hitting 30.3 C, which is more than 12 degrees above normal.



Chilliwack Progress