Warrant could result in more legal action

City of Abbotsford officials and police arrived at Gene Drader's property with a warrant as part of an ongoing legal battle.

Gene Drader (centre) talks to a pair of Abbotsford Police officers last Friday morning. The City of Abbotsford obtained a warrant to examine the property, even though Drader already gave his permission.

Gene Drader (centre) talks to a pair of Abbotsford Police officers last Friday morning. The City of Abbotsford obtained a warrant to examine the property, even though Drader already gave his permission.

Three members of the Abbotsford Police Department and two engineers representing the City of Abbotsford, arrived at Gene Drader’s property on Marsh McCormick Road last Friday morning.

The city, having obtained a warrant, was there to examine’s Drader’s property.

City officials would not comment on why they obtained the warrant or what they were looking for, but the incident likely related to 16 years of litigation between Drader and the city.

Drader has argued in court that the city diverted water onto his property, destabilizing the slope and causing landslides.

Recently he has been bringing in truckloads of fill to protect his property, but the city has issued stop work orders.

The legal battle is ongoing and more litigation could occur.

“It is our position, on behalf of Mr. Drader, that the warrant was improperly obtained, it was unnecessary because he had already volunteered to allow the City of  Abbotsford to come back on his property, yet again – and  people should know that they have already been on there more than 10 times – subject to very reasonable requirements of advance notice,” said Drader’s lawyer Delwen Stander.

He said Drader is currently considering proceeding with more legal proceedings due to the warrant.

Abbotsford News