Waste reduction initiative granted

Food Action Society of North Okanagan will receive $7,000 and Downtown Vernon Association will receive $3,000

Two organizations will receive funding from the Regional District of North Okanagan’s waste reduction initiatives fund.

Directors voted unanimously to award the annual grant of $10,000 to the only two applicants.

“The two applications were received in the spring and have been thoroughly reviewed by RDNO staff,” said Dale McTaggart, engineering general manager. “Both were determined to be qualified with respect to the criteria.”

The Food Action Society of North Okanagan requested, and will receive, $7,000 for its Backyard Gleaning Project Re-Launch to purchase start-up materials. They will also produce educational material and material to advertise their program.

The Downtown Vernon Association will receive $3,000, as per its request, for an Earth Day and Waste Reduction Week event in downtown Vernon in April 2016.

The event will include a clean-up of downtown alleys and streets by business owners and employees, and a large-scale public art piece to create a large panel mural with found objects from the clean-up.

Club request deferred

RDNO directors followed through on a recommendation from the Greater Vernon Advisory Committee to defer a request for land and financial support from the North Valley Gymnastics Society until completion of the Greater Vernon Cultural Plan.

Such a move will hopefully create a model to process all future requests.

The gymnastics club asked GVAC to provide land for a 12,000-square-foot building and to guarantee the mortgage.

The club’s current lease is done in January 2018 and the goal is to have a new facility by then.

Grant application

The board gave its blessing for staff to apply for a $10,000 grant from the ministry of community, sport and cultural development and infrastructure.

The money would be used for the Greater Vernon Water asset management – water main assessment project.


Vernon Morning Star